The Mind Full Medic Podcast
Podcast with Dr Cheryl Martin exploring health, wellbeing, optimal performance and professional fulfilment with a particular focus on doctors and healthcare.
The Mind Full Medic Podcast
Special Sponsor Episode #75 with Dr Andrew Wines, President of the Medical Benevolent Association of NSW-ACT
Welcome to milestone episode 75! Thank you to past guests for generously contributing their time, expertise and wisdom to the podcast and inspiring me and many listeners. Thank you to everyone listening for continuing to support and grow this podcast and platform. Five years on this passion project still brings me joy and energy.
I can't think of a more fitting guest and topic to celebrate #75 than Dr Andrew Wines current president of podcast sponsor The Medical Benevolent Association of NSW-ACT.
The Medical Benevolent Association of NSW-ACT is a registered ACNC charity run by Doctors for Doctors and their families. MBA NSW-ACT provides counselling and short-term financial assistance through times of crisis, illness, accident, mental health conditions, grief and loss of income to help Doctors and their families in NSW and ACT to recover and return to independence and wherever possible their vocation.
Dr Andrew Wines is an orthopaedic surgeon specialising in reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle in adults and children. He obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree from the University of Sydney in 1994 and was awarded his fellowship in orthopaedic surgery from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2002.
He has been associated with the MBA NSW-ACT for 28 years joining initially as a councillor in his intern year. He has subsequently held a number of roles within the organisation including secretary, treasuring, vice president and now president.
In 2003 he was awarded a Churchill fellowship in 2003 to assess support services available to doctors and their families in Europe
Dr Wines holds a number of other leadership roles including in research and has made a considerable contribution to the Australian Orthopaedic Association. He is currently the second vice President and Treasurer of the AOA and will be President in 2026. At various stages he has been chair of the Champions of Change, Surgical Performance and Accreditation Committees and a member of the Professional Standards, Continuing Professional Development, Federal Training and Audit and Risk Committees. He is the founding Treasurer of the International Orthopaedic Diversity Association, which now has over 2000 members worldwide.
In this conversation Andrew shares his own powerful story which led him to become involved with the work of the MBA very early in his career and we discuss the work and impact of the MBA NSW-ACT past, present and looking ahead. Thank you Dr Wines, this episode is a wonderful testament to the work of the charity over many years.
Find out more information about the MBA support service and how you can donate here :
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The Mind Full Medic Podcast is proudly sponsored by the MBA NSW-ACT Find out more about their service or donate today at
Disclaimer: The content in this podcast is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care professional. Moreover views expressed here are our own and do not necessarily reflect those of our employers or other official organisations.